Thursday, October 25, 2007

Body fat news 25/10/2007 23:26

Arts & Activities - The turkey bowl
October 1, 2007 -- Most projects I do with my students are a variation of a project I find online or in publications like this one. Nevertheless, inspiration sometimes ...
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Fat or fiction: All fat is not equal (Star-Gazette)
Scientists now see the excess fat around one’s waist as a more dangerous health threat than fat stored in other parts of the body. This abdominal fat can lead to an in¬ creased risk for health problems such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.*http%3A//
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September 24, 2007 -- By Gina Spadafori Universal Press Syndicate When I see a news story about a dog attacking a child, I quickly look for the reason behind the tragedy.
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HealthDay - Health Tip: Warning Signs of Anorexia
October 10, 2007 -- (HealthDay News) - Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in which a person refuses to stay at even a minimum recommended body weight, resulting in severe ...
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Kimberly Garrison | My 6 secrets to permanent fat loss (Philadelphia Daily News)
EVERY WEEK I receive e-mails from people asking how to get rid of excess body fat. Most people's bodies love to store fat (mine included), which is nature's guarantee that we will not starve should there be a famine. Unfortunately, the body loves storing fat so much that it will burn everything available (muscle and carbohydrates) before using the fuel in its fat reserves.*http%3A//
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Fat or fiction: All fat is not equal (Star-Gazette)
Scientists now see the excess fat around one's waist as a more dangerous health threat than fat stored in other parts of the body. This abdominal fat can lead to an increased risk for health problems such as heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.*http%3A//
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Obesity ads too soft on fat, critics say (AP via Yahoo! News)
Drunks swimming in gin, smokers in body bags and dopers living with their parents deep into adulthood. Those are among the public service ads shown in the past. But the government's new batch of obesity spots declines even to show a fat person, let alone wag a finger for gluttony or sloth.*http%3A//
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HealthDay - Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer Linked to Heart Risks
October 9, 2007 -- Prostate cancer patients receiving androgen-deprivation therapy, a common form of hormone treatment proven to slow tumor growth and prolong life, may face a nearly threefold higher risk of dying from
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Philadelphia Daily News - Joe Sixpack | As church bells ring, the faithful arrive, in search of the Holy Ale
September 28, 2007 -- AT 10:45 IN the morning last Sunday, when most dedicated souls were either in church or in the parking lot at the Linc, Joel Armato and Bryan Beetem ...
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In Focus: Build the perfect body (Juice)
Quentin Burnett, 28, will have 3 percent body fat on his 5-foot 11-inch 160-pound frame when he competes in the Great Lakes Supernatural Muscle...*http%3A//
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