Sunday, October 14, 2007

Body fat news 14/10/2007 02:24

UltraShape(TM) Non-Invasive Fat Reduction and Body Contouring Clinical Study Results Presented at American Society for ... (PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance)
Results of an independent multi-treatment clinical study of the UltraShape Contour I, the first clinically proven non-invasive focused ultrasound solution for body contouring, will be presented at the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery annual meeting on October 11, 2007 in Chicago, Illinois.*http%3A//
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Cell phone tells you if you're fat, have bad breath (People's Daily)
Mobile phone users too busy to keep track of their fitness level may soon be able to use a cell phone that takes their pulse, checks their body fat, times their jogging workout and assesses stress levels. Japan's NTT DoCoMo Inc.'s p ...*http%3A//
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Spectator, The - Was Anna Karenina always beautiful?
September 22, 2007 -- ENERGY OF DELUSION: A BOOK ON PLOT by Viktor Shklovsky Dalkey Archive, £9.99, pp. 440, ISBN 9781564784266 £7.99 (plus £2.45 p&p) 0870 429 6655 It's ...
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HealthDay - Gene Mutation Linked to Parkinson's Disease
September 17, 2007 -- People who carry a certain gene mutation appear to have a greater risk for getting Parkinson's disease and for getting it at a relatively early age, new ...
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HealthDay - Experts Sort Out Good Fats From Bad
September 10, 2007 -- U.S. and Canadian experts have teamed up to create Dietary Fatty Acids, a comprehensive recommendation on how much of what types of fats people should ...
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Walker's body fat level a concern for Heat (CBS Sportsline)
Antoine Walker's level of conditioning is still a concern for the Miami Heat, and coach Pat Riley predicted Wednesday it may take the forward until January to meet his team-mandated body fat level.*http%3A//
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Arts & Activities - The turkey bowl
October 1, 2007 -- Most projects I do with my students are a variation of a project I find online or in publications like this one. Nevertheless, inspiration sometimes ...
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Doc's 'supercharged' plan (Boston Herald)
A Brookline dermatologist is vowing to become the first doctor in America to perform an experimental procedure that uses liposuctioned tummy fat and stem cells to boost women's...*http%3A//
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Newsweek - Starting The Good Life In The Womb
September 17, 2007 -- Pregnant women who eat right, watch their weight and stay active can actually improve their unborn babies’ chances of growing into healthy adults. Most pregnant women know they can hurt
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Diabetes and Primary Care - Weight loss delays the onset of pharmacological treatment in type 2 diabetes
September 22, 2007 -- Type 2 diabetes is the result of a combination of [beta]-cell failure and insulin resistance; however, the metabolic abnormalities associated with insulin ...
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