Thursday, October 4, 2007

Body fat news 04/10/2007 13:17

Not all types of fat are harmful (The Times of India)
While it has long been held that too much fat in the liver may result in diabetes, researchers appear to have discovered that not all types of fat are harmful.*http%3A//
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HealthDay - Fat Builds Up in Hearts Before Diabetes Onset
September 4, 2007 -- Fat starts to build up in the hearts of pre-diabetic people before either diabetes or heart disease symptoms appear, according to a new study. Researchers ...
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Whey To Go: Dairy Protein Builds Muscle, May Help Control Body Weight (PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance)
New research presented today at the American Dietetic Association Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo suggests that dairy proteins, especially whey, excel in building muscle and reducing fat, which may help control body weight and curb obesity, hypertension and diabetes.*http%3A//
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September 24, 2007 -- By Gina Spadafori Universal Press Syndicate When I see a news story about a dog attacking a child, I quickly look for the reason behind the tragedy.
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Debra Pugh column: How senior citizens can burn body fat 09-30-2007 (Plainview Daily Herald)
Have you noticed that the older you get the harder it is to lose body fat? Do you have to eat less food to maintain your weight? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, then you are not alone.*http%3A//
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Body's Own Stem Cells Could Trigger Cancer Spread (Medical News Today)
Your body's own stem cells could trigger alterations in cancer cells which facilitate their spreading around the body, say scientist from the Whitehead Institute, USA. They found that human breast cancer in mice have a higher chance of spreading if they are blended with bone marrow stem cells. [click link for full article]*http%3A//
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HealthDay - Gene Mutation Linked to Parkinson's Disease
September 17, 2007 -- People who carry a certain gene mutation appear to have a greater risk for getting Parkinson's disease and for getting it at a relatively early age, new ...
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Diabetes and Primary Care - Weight loss delays the onset of pharmacological treatment in type 2 diabetes
September 22, 2007 -- Type 2 diabetes is the result of a combination of [beta]-cell failure and insulin resistance; however, the metabolic abnormalities associated with insulin ...
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Heat's Walker cleared to practice (Miami Herald)
Apparently, Antoine Walker, Smush Parker and Earl Barron are out of Heat coach Pat Riley's bike- and treadmill-filled doghouse. A day after focusing on body-fat reduction instead of basketball, the only three players to fail Riley's stringent conditioning requirements were back on the practice court Wednesday.*http%3A//
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HealthDay - Experts Sort Out Good Fats From Bad
September 10, 2007 -- U.S. and Canadian experts have teamed up to create Dietary Fatty Acids, a comprehensive recommendation on how much of what types of fats people should ...
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