Thursday, October 18, 2007

Body fat news 18/10/2007 08:19

New Burrito Packs Mucho Fat (KMGH 7 Denver)
Hardee's raises the bar for fat and calories again.*http%3A//
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Fit And Fat? (WFTV 9 Orlando)
Up to 35-percent of Americans are trying to lose weight at any given time. And with some calling obesity in this country an epidemic, losing weight seems more important than ever before. But can you actually be fat … and fit? VIDEO: Fit And Fat?*http%3A//
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Arts & Activities - The turkey bowl
October 1, 2007 -- Most projects I do with my students are a variation of a project I find online or in publications like this one. Nevertheless, inspiration sometimes ...
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Medical students honor body donors (The Record)
MIAMI -- As more than 100 watched, a group of first-year University of Miami medical students came forward in their lab smocks, one by one. Each carried a rose to symbolize one of the 18 people who had given her or his body so that students could learn.*http%3A//
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Shape - A new definition of success: I'm gradually learning that the number on the scale isn't the only way to measure my progress
October 1, 2007 -- On New Year's Day I set a goal of getting down to 125 pounds--what I weighed on my wedding day 14 years ago. As I close in on that number and the weight ...
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Researchers say 'visceral fat' poses a serious risk (Orlando Sentinel)
An apple-shaped body with a wide waistline will have anyone's doctor pushing an exercise regimen and healthier eating. Pear-shaped people, meanwhile, might get a break.*http%3A//,0,5000722.story?track=rss
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How To: Love your body no matter what (Carolinian)
How many times have you looked in the mirror and wished there was something different about your body? Your hair is too brown, your eyes are too small, you are too fat, or your breasts aren't large enough… It doesn't seem to matter how beautiful you are, because it seems that in today's society when the media portrays beauty in a certain way and you don't conform to its standards, something ...*http%3A//
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HealthDay - Health Tip: Warning Signs of Anorexia
October 10, 2007 -- (HealthDay News) - Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in which a person refuses to stay at even a minimum recommended body weight, resulting in severe ...
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The skinny on fat as a medical therapy (The Indianapolis Star)
Fat -- specifically too much of it in a person's body -- can contribute to a long and depressing list of health problems, including diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure.*http%3A//
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HealthDay - Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer Linked to Heart Risks
October 9, 2007 -- Prostate cancer patients receiving androgen-deprivation therapy, a common form of hormone treatment proven to slow tumor growth and prolong life, may face a nearly threefold higher risk of dying from
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