Saturday, October 6, 2007

Body fat news 06/10/2007 05:37

Japanese prototype phone gives users fitness checks (Straits Times)
CHIBA (Japan) - IT can take your pulse, check your body fat, time your jogs and tell you if you have bad breath. It even assesses stress levels and inspires you with a pep talk.*http%3A//
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Body's Own Stem Cells Could Trigger Cancer Spread (Medical News Today)
Your body's own stem cells could trigger alterations in cancer cells which facilitate their spreading around the body, say scientist from the Whitehead Institute, USA. They found that human breast cancer in mice have a higher chance of spreading if they are blended with bone marrow stem cells. [click link for full article]*http%3A//
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HealthDay - Gene Mutation Linked to Parkinson's Disease
September 17, 2007 -- People who carry a certain gene mutation appear to have a greater risk for getting Parkinson's disease and for getting it at a relatively early age, new ...
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New prototype phone gives fitness check (AP via Yahoo! News)
It can take your pulse, check your body fat, time your jogs and tell you if you have bad breath. It even assesses stress levels and inspires you with a pep talk. Meet your new personal trainer: your cell phone.*http%3A//
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Work outs donĂ¢€™t always work out (Daily Record)
“Don’t call it a comeback,” L.L. Cool J said. I thought of that as I climbed on the elliptical trainer after about a six-month absence. “Don’t call it a fat ass trying to get his act back in gear,” would be less hip-hoppy but more accurate.*http%3A//
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Belly fat, weight cycling ups kidney cancer risk (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
Postmenopausal women who are overweight or obese appear to have a greater risk of developing, renal cell carcinoma, a common form of kidney cancer, and study findings suggest that a larger waist girth and a history of weight loss and regain further increase this risk.*http%3A//
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HealthDay - Mediterranean Diet May Boost Alzheimer's Survival
September 10, 2007 -- Consuming what's known as a Mediterranean diet -- one loaded with fruits, vegetables, grains and olive oil -- may help Alzheimer's patients live longer, ...
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HealthDay - Fat Builds Up in Hearts Before Diabetes Onset
September 4, 2007 -- Fat starts to build up in the hearts of pre-diabetic people before either diabetes or heart disease symptoms appear, according to a new study. Researchers ...
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Diabetes and Primary Care - Weight loss delays the onset of pharmacological treatment in type 2 diabetes
September 22, 2007 -- Type 2 diabetes is the result of a combination of [beta]-cell failure and insulin resistance; however, the metabolic abnormalities associated with insulin ...
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HealthDay - Saturated Fat: Even a Little Splurge May Be Too Much
September 9, 2007 -- How bad can it be to indulge in an occasional meal or snack loaded with saturated fat? How about bad enough to diminish your body's ability to defend itself against heart disease. A recent study by r
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