Friday, September 28, 2007

Body fat news 28/09/2007 13:37

Study fuels debate over whether exercise and body size influence ovarian cancer risk (EurekAlert!)
Barcelona, Spain: A new study adds fuel to the debate over whether being fat or inactive affects the risk of developing ovarian cancer.*http%3A//
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Diabetes and Primary Care - Weight loss delays the onset of pharmacological treatment in type 2 diabetes
September 22, 2007 -- Type 2 diabetes is the result of a combination of [beta]-cell failure and insulin resistance; however, the metabolic abnormalities associated with insulin ...
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Philadelphia Daily News - Letters | The Fatimah corner
September 5, 2007 -- FATIMAH Ali has many valid points in her recent op-ed on what we eat. But the justifications fail to work for all. I know plenty of vegetarians who ...
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Calculators or calipers? Get the lowdown on measuring body fat (The Olympian)
If the body mass index is accurate, then actor Mel Gibson, boxer Mike Tyson and California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger all fall into the obese category.*http%3A//
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Maternal weight tied to child's body composition (
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Investigators have found that children, whose mothers had a larger body mass index (BMI) prior to pregnancy or a large mid-upper arm circumference in late pregnancy, also had higher levels of body fat at the age of 9 years than other children of the same age. The amount of weight mothers put on during pregnancy, however, had no effect on their child's body fat.*http%3A//
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Study Fuels Debate Over Whether Exercise And Body Size Influence Ovarian Cancer Risk (Science Daily)
A new study adds fuel to the debate over whether being fat or inactive affects the risk of developing ovarian cancer.*http%3A//
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Cosmetic procedures (Daily Telegraph)
Celution, promoted as a "lunch-time breast augmentation", involves taking fat and stem cells from one part of the body and re-injecting it into the breasts.*http%3A//
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Muscle & Fitness - Good egg: Body building buffet
September 1, 2007 -- Eggs are the perfect protein package: They're the highest-quality protein source out there, rich in vitamins and minerals, and they're easy on the pocketbook.
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HealthDay - Fat Builds Up in Hearts Before Diabetes Onset
September 4, 2007 -- Fat starts to build up in the hearts of pre-diabetic people before either diabetes or heart disease symptoms appear, according to a new study. Researchers ...
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Study fuels debate over whether exercise and body size influence ovarian cancer risk (PhysOrg)
A new study adds fuel to the debate over whether being fat or inactive affects the risk of developing ovarian cancer. The study, presented by Australian researchers today (Thursday) at the European Cancer Conference (ECCO 14) in Barcelona, found some evidence suggesting exercise might increase the risk. It found no link with body measurements.*http%3A//
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