Monday, September 10, 2007

Body fat news 10/09/2007

2 Ways to Start Burning fat Quickly
When you wake up in the morning your body doesnt have any carbohydrates as energy to use and it will look to burn body fat instead for energy. For you to take advantage of this morning fat burning opportunity you have to exercise first ...

Body fat news 09/09/2007
By MARJIE GILLIAM The belly is probably the most stubborn area of the body to firm up. Here are possible causes of lack of flatness/firmness in the abdominal region: Body fat levels Subcutaneous fat is easy to recognize. ...

Body fat news 09/09/2007
digestive system, and end up with excess body fat. If we stuffed ourselves completely full of cucumbers, we would certainly not have an excess of calories. When we eat foods lower in calorie density, we can ... How Often Can I Cheat? ...

Shrink fat Cell
When you "lose" body fat, the fat cell (also called an adipocyte) does not go anywhere or "move into the muscle cell to be burned. The fat cell itself, (unfortunately) stays right where it was - under the skin in your thighs, stomach, ...

Saturated Fat: Even a Little Splurge May Be Too Much (
New York - How bad can it be to indulge in an occasional meal or snack loaded with saturated fat? How about bad enough to diminish your body's ability to defend itself against heart disease.

burn fat fat fitness