Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Body fat news 18/09/2007

Blood test may help assess fat around organs (New Kerala)
London, September 17 : A team of US and German researchers has found that measuring levels of a specific protein in the blood may help assess accurately how much fat coats the body's organs.

But for bodybuilders especially those involved in competitive bodybuilding losing weight is more specific and refers to eliminating body fat. All things being equal the bodybuilder with the lowest body fat percentage is usually the one ...

Golly, I suck at posting here!
PERCENT BODY FAT: 22 down from June 30: WEIGHT: 149 PERCENT BODY FAT: 23 So it's coming off slowly but surely, and I'm fine with that. I'm fitting into more and more of my prepregnancy clothes. All my 10s are loose. ...

Celebrities and body image: Are these women really fat? (Dallas Morning News)
Society loves watching a celebrity fall from a pedestal. Seeing someone self-destruct on TV or online is considered more fascinating than watching a train derailment.

Study looks at how the body oxidizes fats (EARTHtimes.org)
French scientists have shown that when people exercise after eating a high-fat meal, the fats are broken down and oxidized in skeletal muscle. Max Lafonta and colleagues at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research said their findings s...

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