Monday, September 17, 2007

Body fat news 17/09/2007

Are Weight Loss Supplements Worth It?
It is a fatty acid that has been found to reduce cancer risks, body fat and to increase lean muscle tissue. The Journal of Nutrition reported a Scandanavian Research team found CLA to increase the lean body mass of humans and also to ...

HEALTH & FITNESS: Is high-fructose corn syrup making you fat? (St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
Does sweetened soda make you fat? Archer Daniels Midland, a company that makes high-fructose corn syrup, the main sweetener for sodas, has issued a study that says no.

Kan.: Fat-Treatment Regulations Blocked (AP via Yahoo! Finance)
A judge blocked a state regulation Thursday that would have prevented most doctors from injecting chemicals into their patients to melt body fat.

Body fat news 17/09/2007
Sometimes the BMI reading can be misleading and you may need to undergo a body fat measurement and waist-height ratio to determine if your weight is putting you at risk. Whether you are an ‘apple’ or ‘pear’ shape, your shape affects . ...

Body fat news 17/09/2007
By Scott Abbett How many times do you and I have to read that we should eat five to six small meals a day to lose body fat? We see it ad nauseam to the point where I’m losing my appetite for frequent meals. By now, not only does every . ...

burn fat fat fitness